Our Global Posture Study revealed nine new postures related to technology that weren’t adequately supported by existing seating solutions. Gesture is the first chair designed to make stronger users’ interactions with lately’s technologies. Gesture’s Core, Limb, and Seat interfaces work as a system to offer make stronger and comfort to quite a lot of users in quite a lot of postures. Gesture is a highly ergonomic chair so that they can perform in any work environment.
Connect fabric is 100% polyester
Wheels for carpet flooring
Ergonomic chair – features include adjustable seat depth, fully adjustable arms, pneumatic seat height adjustment, recline tension adjustment, 4 position recline lock, shell back and seat, light/light frame color scheme
All day comfort and back make stronger – Gesture’s seat and back move as a synchronized system, following your body as you move all through the day to verify long-term make stronger
Quality & durability – designed to resist 24/7 use whilst providing maximum comfort
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